Tuesday 9 November 2010

A magnificent ram inspired mint jelly

There was this magnificent Ram up the fields today. Wilfie and I were watching him. What can I say he was very ....macho and has a field of about 100 ewes to well....sort out. He was looking very proud and pleased with himself. Just think of all those gorgeous lambs frollicking about in the spring-which brings me nicely onto mint jelly.


1 kg green apples
 (500 ml) water
a small bunch of fresh mint 
 (500 ml) distilled white vinegar
3 tbsp chopped mint
a few drops green colouring (optional)


1. Wash the apples, cut in quarters and put in a preserving pan with the water and the bunch of mint. 

2. Simmer until the apples are soft , then add the vinegar and boil for 5 minutes. 

3. Strain through a scalded jelly bag and leave to drip for 1-2 hours. 

4. Measure the juice and return it to the cleaned 

5. Add 800g sugar for each litre of juice, and bring to the boil, stirring until the sugar is dissolved. 

6. Boil rapidly until setting point is nearly reached, add the chopped mint and colouring, if used, then boil steadily until setting point is reached. 

7. Remove from the heat, pot, and cover immediately. When cold, label and store.

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