Sunday 30 October 2011

sweet chestnuts roasting on an openfire

I did a great walk yesterday with my dad, Alfie and Wilfie the dog. Starting at Bromsberrow and walking along a few ridges of the Malvern hills. We got a bit lost along the way and ended up fighting our way out of a magnificent wood. I've never seen so many sweet chestnuts, the floor was covered in them. So I now have a nice pile of the beauties. Alfie and I are going to stoke up the chiminea tonight and roast them in foil.....can't wait

Tuesday 4 October 2011

My funny fruit and veg

This is a potato disguised as a mushroom - all these little chaps bought a smile to my face

Saturday 1 October 2011

Podding beans

Alfie had a lot of fun today taking the down the bean poles then podding the beans for next years seed. They are so beautiful. I shall keep them somewhere dry then pop them into envelopes and keep them in the dark till next year.