Saturday 20 November 2010

5.31 pm-hob action

My hob has been very busy today-boy do I know how to live! 

Top left: We've got the last of the homegrown potatoes par boiling ready to be turned into *baked rosemary potatoes at Biddy's house later, to accompany her salmon.

Bottom left: Milk infusing with clove studded onions, ready for the bread sauce that's being taken to mums for a big roast dinner on Sunday. 

Bottom right: And finally a wonderful onion marmalade made by Dean which will go very nicely with cheese and biscuits later.

* Par boil baby potatoes (allow for about 4-5 each depending on how hungry you are). Drain then toss in a good glug of olive oil and a small handful of chopped rosemary. Roast until brown-probably about 30 minutes.

My mouth is watering and my hair smells of eau de onion....time for a shower!


  1. For Nicola
    Heat 50ml olive oil in large frying pan on medium heat
    Add 1kg finely sliced red onion and heat on low heat for about 8 mins (until translucent)
    Add 250g soft brown suger and stir in
    Add 150ml red wine vinegar
    Simmer until it becomes a stick jam (45 - 50 mins. And thats it. Lasts for ages, serve warm.
    Outstanding with any cheese!

  2. I think that is supposed to say 'thick jam'!
