Saturday 29 January 2011

If you buy tinned Tuna please read this

The way most Tuna are caught is not just barbaric but mindless. A floating object that looks a bit like a raft is placed in the sea (It's called a Fish Aggregation device - FAD ). Small fish are attracted to it, which in turn attracts larger sealife-this includes Tuna, Sharks, Turtles, Rays, and Dolphins. Large Fishing boats then turn up with vast nets 100km long and circle the area - (this is called Purse siening). They catch EVERYTHING in this net and have what is termed as bycatch or discards. Anything that isn't a TUNA dies! They chuck back the dead fish, rays, sharks (hacking their fins off first) etc like its old rubbish.

Britains are the largest buyers of tinned Tuna so we must do something about this. 

There is a more selective way to fish Tuna called Pole and Line, It is done by hand and only fishes out adult Tuna -Sainsbury's, M&S and Waitrose stock it. It will be labeled Pole and Line.

I urge everyone who reads this to only buy this kind of tinned Tuna in the future. 

Greenpeace are running a campaign on their website to email Princes to pressure them into changing their disgusting fishing methods (They are the worst offenders of this marine slaughter). If you go on their website -click on the 'write to Princes''s in the bottom right hand corner of their home page.

You just need to add your name and click send-just think what a difference this could make-PLEASE, PLEASE DO IT NOW!!

Thank you xxx

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