Sunday, 5 June 2011

The best way to avoid e coli

ummm..... ghastly business e coli-not something you really want to come into contact with.
Apparantly greedy salad producers have used contaminated fertilizer (poo-human and animal) on their crops earlier than they should have done. Not really sure about the process involved but the poo needs to hang about for 2 years so that all the nasty stuff in it has - dispersed, rotted, evaporated????  Someone somewhere hasn't done this so here we are with a rampant bacteria in our salads. what to do...grow your own! There's still plenty of time. Get yourself a few packets of salad leaves and a couple of tomato and cucumber plants and get growing. Get them in your flower beds, build a nice little raised bed or get a grow bag or a few large pots - not only is it good for your health but good for your soul too.

*** Breaking news... it seems that a beansprout farm in North Germany could be the source of the outbreak. They don't use fertilisers-the beans are grown in water. Didn't know this but apparantly they are a 'high risk food'-particularly if they are eaten raw.

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